Digital Marketing

Top marketing apps to use in 2023

When we talk about smartphone apps, many people think of social networks, instant messengers and entertainment first of all. Indeed, statistics confirm that people most often download these services.

However, entertainment is just the tip of the iceberg. A huge part of existing apps is powerful tools you can use to grow yourself, your projects, and your firm. Not surprisingly, business apps are second only to games in popularity, while educational platforms are third.

Business apps include those focused on digital marketing. In fact, experts in this field can find a good virtual assistant for every step of their work. Today we will consider only a few categories.

Best apps for content marketing

Although we have already divided the applications into groups, here we will have to create subgroups, because content marketing is a multi-level process. And at each stage, you may need different digital marketing solutions.

1) SEO and content creation apps

Any content starts with an idea. Each of us is looking for our sources of inspiration, but the final choice of topics for new content largely depends on the requests and needs of the audience.

  • Google Trends studies queries that come from users of the search engine. Thanks to this, you can find out what your audience is most interested in right now and create content on these topics.
  • Semrush and Ahrefs are two very powerful SEO services. Use these platforms to find keywords for your next article. It will help optimize the text and promote it on the Internet.
  • Answer the Public is another app that works with keywords. Use it to find new ideas and create well-optimized text.

2) Proofreading apps

  • Use Grammarly and Hemingway to review your finished articles. Moreover, this is the case when you should not choose between two services. Install both and use their tips to improve the texts.

3) Applications for visualization of statistics.

Any numbers look uninteresting, especially if there is a lot of data. To diversify the text, we recommend formatting them in the form of graphs, diagrams, etc.

  • Tableau, Looker, Google Data Studio, and Visme are just some of the programs that can help you visualize your data. You should try at least some of them to create some charts. Then it will be easier for you to make the final choice.

You can also use these applications for your presentations and reports.

Essential social media marketing apps

Each social network is a separate online universe with its rules and standards. But they are also great tools for brand promotion.

If you want these social media marketing apps to work effectively for you, you need to create engaging content for your audience regularly. And believe, you will not be able to cope with this task, having only inspiration. You will need the help of not only your team but also numerous applications that will speed up and simplify many processes.

  • Hootsuite, Falcon, and Buffer let you manage all your accounts from one hub. It means you do not need to constantly move from one social network to another, remembering passwords. You will immediately see all the activity, statistics, audience reactions, etc.
  • Later is a way to make your work on Instagram easier and the ability to create delayed posts that will be published at the time you need. Even in the middle of the night when you are sleeping.
  • Canva and Placeit will come in handy when you need to quickly create an image for a social media post. You don’t have to bother your designers as you can easily do it yourself thanks to the templates, mockups, and photo stocks in these apps.

Of course, there are other services like Facebook Ads Manager, but such applications are so popular that they do not need an extra description.

Marketing apps to keep in mind going into 2023

And finally, let’s discuss applications that concern not only content but the entire organizational process in the marketing team.

  • Pay attention to ProofHub, Asana and MeisterTask, which will help you solve all organizational issues within your marketing projects. Setting goals and deadlines, assigning tasks, and monitoring progress – you can do all these things with ProofHub, Asana and MeisterTask.
  • Plai brings together analytical information about your projects. You do not need to specifically go to Google Ads, Google Analytics or other platforms. Just open Plai and analyze the results of your advertising campaigns. Also, you can use this tool for keyword research, content research and other tasks.
  • Rocket.Chat and Slack are convenient ways to communicate within a team. Here you can not only chat and send files to each other but also make calls and organize video conferences.

We can also mention here the services that are engaged in sending your messages. Or about platforms for quick video editing. Or about rich mail applications. Definitely, the list of the best marketing apps we have proposed is incomplete, keep this in mind.


Regardless of the functionality, the main task of absolutely all the digital marketing solutions listed here is to simplify your marketing work as much as possible, save your precious time and make your projects more successful.

With the help of these apps, you will always be aware of all important events, you will always keep the situation under control and at any time you will be able to support your teammates if they need help. To do this, it will be enough for you to have a smartphone with you.

On the other hand, you should pay attention to the fact that many platforms have more powerful functionality in their advanced versions that you can open on your PCs or laptops. Moreover, we strongly recommend that you have these services not only on your phone.

Let’s be honest, any smartphone can break down, and usually, such troubles occur at the most inopportune moment. It’s best if you’re prepared for the unexpected. Entrust gadget repairs to professionals, while you do your work on the computer at this moment. Conversely, when you do not have a computer at hand, you can use a tablet or smartphone.

This flexibility will make you a versatile marketer and give you the edge.

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